Volunteer at Tethered Together 2025

This application is for folks interested in coming to volunteer at Tethered Together 2024. Our event runs March 1 – 4, 2024 at the Hilton Stamford in Stamford, Connecticut. Our event is kink-positive, sex-positive and inclusive of all genders and identities. Our main educational focus is rope bondage and we also feature circus arts, kinky relationships, and body movement such as dance and yoga!

We could not run our event without the generous support of our volunteers.

We don’t have a requirement for the number of hours a person must volunteer with us because we don’t know how much time you’d like to volunteer!

Our volunteers will be thanked with a token honorarium per hour worked paid at the conclusion of the event or every evening if that’s more useful. Other arrangements may be available upon request, as we neither want to financially burden anyone nor require a large set workload from everyone. One size doesn’t fit all so do what suits your situation best. We do ask that you register for our event before submitting a volunteer application to us. If you have any questions or concerns or your situation changes and you are no longer able to volunteer, please contact our volunteer coordinators PrincessBran and _Stargaze at [email protected].

We appreciate you folks so much and look forward to seeing you in March!

Click here to apply