ANNOUNCING: Tethered Together Art Show and Collaborative Art Installations

How’s that title as a mouth full for you??

My name is Linworth, and I’m serving as Creative Strategist for the inaugural Tethered Together. What the hell does that mean, you ask? Well, it means I’m helping coordinate All Things Artsy over the course of the weekend, including our:

  • Opening Ceremonies Art Show
  • Collaborative Art Installations
  • The Greatest “Rope” Show on Earth

I’ll be telling you more about the our “rope” show at a future date, but here’s the low down on those other two fantastic opportunities for expressing yo’ fine self!

Tethered’s Opening Ceremonies are Friday night, 7-9 PM, and we’re hoping to get some talented folks in the mix to contribute to its dedicated Art Show. If you have an idea for a photography piece, other 2D work, sculpture, installation, craftsmanship piece, digital, or experimental performance art we want to hear it!

(Btw, all performance art pieces should be ambient, aka not for a stage and at least a little avante-garde. Example: an interactive piece where participants create a prompt and the performer moves to interpret it. ALSO, artwork/performances very much do NOT require rope to be involved.)

Opening Ceremonies pieces must be set up and ready for viewing by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 15th. Space is extremely limited on this one, but if you feel like you fit the bill please fill out our application by February 28th.

Now for the exciting stuff! Our Collaborative Art Installations are a one-of-a-kind feature to Tethered Together, and a lot of people have been asking exactly what they are. What we mean here is that you can propose a piece of art to work on with collaborators of your choice, or open it up to the public for creative ideas and fun beforehand or once on the ground.

Example: Let’s say you’re me and you want an 8-person inflatable unicorn float with bunting and confetti and a tea set in the common area, but you need some friends to lend a hand in bringing items > setting up > doing weird shit. Or you can do something much more “serious” – whatever floats your boat.

If you look at the event’s schedule, you’ll see installations happening pretty much the entire weekend. As Creative Strategist, I’ll be using the info from your applications and Slack (a teams productivity app)/email to find a time and spot to create your masterpieces together! If this sounds more up your alley, fill out the application and we’ll start getting you squared away. (again – by February 28th!)

The sky’s the limit as to content and creativity here, but space is extremely limited.

The sooner you get your apps in, the sooner we get started on finding a fit for you and your art! I’m greatly looking forward to reviewing your lovely ideas, so…

Here’s that handy dandy application link again, yet again!

Or you can shoot me a message her on Fetlife with any questions you might have!

Your humble Creative Strategist,
